Stabilizing soil with AggreBind soil stabilization and dust control at Aero Club Guatemala. Showing the Initial AggreBind soil stabilizing application, training, installation and follow up soil stabilization maintenance. AggreBind is unique for stabilizing soil, it is environmentally friendly, cross-linking polymer, water based, styrene acrylic polymer with proprietary tracers.
Pothole repairs with AggreBind soil stabilization for road base stabilizing and surface sealing. There is mounting evidence that badly maintained roads with potholes and worn surfaces are causing accidents, damage to vehicles, dangers to cyclists and pedestrians.
AggreBind stabilizing soil and dust control agricultural solutions are needed as the worlds' population is currently increasing by 80 million people per annum and is projected to be 9 billion by 2042. To provide food for this increasing population Agriculture will need to be more efficient and more protective of the environment.
Soil stabilization with AggreBind was the product used for road installation at a housing project in Lagos Nigeria using local materials, the first of such installations in the country. AggreBind soil stabilizer is ideal for projects such as brick, block and paver manufacturing using local materials.

Soil Stabilized Brick Manufacturing AggreBind. AggreBind soil stabilizer was the product used for soil stabilized brick manufacturing using local materials and in some of the test samples 3.5% of cement was added. AggreBind soil stabilizer is ideal for projects such as soil stabilized brick, block and paver manufacturing using local materials.